Thursday, December 15, 2011

Half-Time Score

My debate rankings so far:

6)Huntsman (I like what he is saying but lets face it, he is so far out of it, why are they wasting my time?)

Pre-Debate Thoughts

So... Tonight is the last debate before the Iowa Caucus. Just thought I would give you my opinions on the overall race for the Republican nomination.

First, let me get one thing off my chest. Mitt Romney is the only person that the left wants to see win the nomination. I believe this for two reasons. First, he may be the only person that Obama can beat. Second, even if he beats Obama, he is not a true conservative. Where is the proof you ask. A simple example is the fact that he believes that "man" is causing global warming. Most true conservatives do not buy into the theory of global warming, much less the fact that "man" is causing it. Do I need to even mentions his thoughts on mandated Health Care? I think this fact completely summarizes the leftist media bias towards him. How is it biased towards him you may ask? Well, have ever seen a single report from any new organization, besides Fox News, where he is being attacked in any way. I, for one, have not.

This brings us to point of constantly having Romney and Not Romney as the leading Candidates. First was Bachmann. She kind of sunk her own (battle)ship by opening her mouth trying to attack Perry with non factual data. Second was Perry. Now, while I may be accused of being many things, the only one that is true is the fact that I am a realist. I wouldn't of minded seeing Perry win it, but I don't think the country is ready for another Texas Governor as President. No disrespect was meant to George H.W. Bush. As I see it, he lead our country through the darkest day, and the aftermath that followed, in my time at least. He also lead us through the worst natural disaster in my time. Sure he made a few mistakes during his tenure, but who doesn't, and I don't think his mistakes were any more egregious than another other President. Ok I'm stepping down of my soap box, for a moment at least. The next Not Romney was Hermain Cain. Whether the allegations towards him are true or not, they were his demise. Let me specify, I think his response, and the time it to give it, to the very first allegation was the beginning of the end for him. That brings us to Newt, and another soap box.

I believe that the Republicans really need a young candidate. I totally respect John McCain for being a great American. The sacrifices he has made for this country are more than most, and he should be very proud of that. But... When I watch a debate between McCain and Obama, I can see how the uneducated young people voted for Obama. I know it sounds horrible, but McCain looked like death warmed over. The people my age and younger are looking for someone that can relate to them and their problems better, and McCain did not fit that profile at all. I think Paul Ryan would be a great candidate in that sense, I have not done enough research on him to base my opinion on anything other than the fact that he is younger, well spoken, very intelligent and does have conservative beliefs. Along the same lines, Rick Santorum would make a great looking candidate, but I think that ship has sailed, for this election at least.

Ok back to Newt. I wouldn't mind seeing Newt win the Nomination. He is such a historian that he would DESTROY Obama in a debate. The only campaign Obama can run that would result in a win would be a complete mud slinging campaign. If he runs that way, he will drag the whole country through the mud with him and even if he wins, the divide in this country will do nothing but grow. Obama cannot run on his policies or his performance, that would automatically result in a win.

Anyway, I guess that is enough ranting for the day. I will do my best to watch the whole debate tonight and write about it tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

First Visit to the Lodge

Last night was my first visit to a Lodge. I looked at their calendar online and saw that they hold their open meeting on the second Tuesday of the month. I decided that would be as good a time as any to stop by and introduce myself and let them know I was interested in becoming a Mason.

I arrived about 20 minutes before their scheduled dinner with petition in hand. I went to the front door of the Lodge, but it was locked. I could see lights on inside so I decided to knock. I learned in all my research that women are not allowed in the Masons, so I was shocked when a woman answered the door. I told her that I was here because I was interested in becoming a Mason. She let me in and introduced me to her husband who was the Master of the Lodge. He was a very nice fellow. We talked a few minutes while he asked me the typical questions (why do you want to be a Mason? What do you know about Masonry?).

He walked me around the Lodge and introduced me to several guys, metioning that it would take me a while to get all the names down with the exception of one guy they all called Bubba.

I'm somewhat of an introvert, so I found it very uncomfortable when he left me alone with all these people I didn't know. They asked if I could stay for dinner. I was planning on this beforehand, but after arriving I realized that this was their "Holiday Dinner" and I'm assuming that is why they all had their families there. I decided not to stay, one because of my uncofortablness, and two because I didn't wanna infringe on their special dinner.

I was told that someone is at the Lodge every Tuesday night for Floor Study so I plan on finishing my petition this weekend and going up there next Tuesday to turn it in. They will read my petition at the next Open Meeting in January, then an Investigation Committee will be asigned. I have heard this doesn't take to long, so hopefully my petition will be up for vote at the February Open Meeting and then I am assuming, if approved, my initiation will be at the March Open Meeting. The timing isn't great since that will be right after the babies are born, but I have been wanting to do this for a long time, so I will make it work.


Okay folks, my first shot at this blog thing. I am just going to use this as my venue for expressing my views, as well as the views of other people with the same like values and morals.

First a little background on me. I'm 29 years old, married to a gorgeous lady that is currently pregnant with our first children (twin boys). I live in the "Bible Belt". I did a stint in the Navy on Submarines as a Nuke Electrician. During my time in the Navy I lived in Charleston (SC), Ballston Spa (NY), and Pearl Harbor (HI). I didn't mind the Navy, and would do it over again if I had too, but I didn't see myself being able to have a full career there. After the Navy I came back home to the land of the Lone Star and started my current work. Also, I am currently in the process of petitioning for the Masons. I will blog about that process as it happens, so it will kind of be a combination blog, politics and Masonry.

I was raised in a house were politics were never discussed, I could guess my parents affiliation based on their values and beliefs, but to this day, I have never discussed politics in depth with either of them. I just started "paying attention" to politics in the past 3 years. I dove head first into it with doing tons of research. I have very strong opinions on almost every matter involving America and everything that is going on in the world today. All of my opinions have been developed through observation, research, and my core values.