Wednesday, December 14, 2011

First Visit to the Lodge

Last night was my first visit to a Lodge. I looked at their calendar online and saw that they hold their open meeting on the second Tuesday of the month. I decided that would be as good a time as any to stop by and introduce myself and let them know I was interested in becoming a Mason.

I arrived about 20 minutes before their scheduled dinner with petition in hand. I went to the front door of the Lodge, but it was locked. I could see lights on inside so I decided to knock. I learned in all my research that women are not allowed in the Masons, so I was shocked when a woman answered the door. I told her that I was here because I was interested in becoming a Mason. She let me in and introduced me to her husband who was the Master of the Lodge. He was a very nice fellow. We talked a few minutes while he asked me the typical questions (why do you want to be a Mason? What do you know about Masonry?).

He walked me around the Lodge and introduced me to several guys, metioning that it would take me a while to get all the names down with the exception of one guy they all called Bubba.

I'm somewhat of an introvert, so I found it very uncomfortable when he left me alone with all these people I didn't know. They asked if I could stay for dinner. I was planning on this beforehand, but after arriving I realized that this was their "Holiday Dinner" and I'm assuming that is why they all had their families there. I decided not to stay, one because of my uncofortablness, and two because I didn't wanna infringe on their special dinner.

I was told that someone is at the Lodge every Tuesday night for Floor Study so I plan on finishing my petition this weekend and going up there next Tuesday to turn it in. They will read my petition at the next Open Meeting in January, then an Investigation Committee will be asigned. I have heard this doesn't take to long, so hopefully my petition will be up for vote at the February Open Meeting and then I am assuming, if approved, my initiation will be at the March Open Meeting. The timing isn't great since that will be right after the babies are born, but I have been wanting to do this for a long time, so I will make it work.

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