Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's Been a Minute

So... It's been a couple of weeks since I posted. I have been two the ER twice because of being sick, but I won't bore you with the details, everything is getting back to normal though.

On to the more important stuff. With Iowa past us, I have a few reflections on that state and the current race. I was impressed to see Rick Santorum come in 1a (with only an 8 vote difference I won't give him second place, he gets 1a.) I don't expect him to do as good in New Hampshire, due to the "liberalness" of the state, but I do hope he can carry his momentum through to South Carolina, a state that appreciates his conservative values. I still think the liberal media machine has deemed Mitt Romney the candidate and am sure he will win, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. With so many candidates still in the race it will be tough for anyone to beat him. However, if somehow the field was narrowed down to three, Romney, Ron Paul (cause he will never quit) and candidate 3, I think Romney would be beatable. Look at the results thus far and the polls in the upcoming state. An overwhelming majority of people are not voting for Romney, but with all the other candidates splitting the vote, it is though for anyone to get the heat to beat him.

On a quick side note, I am huge pro wrestling fan. So I sometimes use terms that are mainly used in wrestling terminology. I will try my best to define them as I go along this journey. Heat is a term used for momentum with the fans. A pop is the reaction that wrestler gets from the crowd when he comes out on stage, positive or negative.

I think that John Huntsman will drop out after New Hampshire, where he has spent all his money and time and still won't finish in the top three. Those votes will go to Newt Gingrich or Santorum, neither of which will drop out till after South Carolina or Florida. The problem with this scenario is that by Florida the race will be over. With South Carolina and Florida being winner take all states, if a move is going to be made, it needs to be made before them. Neither Newt or Santorum is going to give in to the other though. I haven't talked about Rick Perry because I think he is effectively out of it, he will get anywhere from 1 to 10 percent in the following primaries till he drops out, but once again those Anti-Romney votes could be help full to one of the other two Not-Romney candidates.

I myself, am not ready to make my decision between Newt and Santorum yet, but on the surface I would have to say Newt would have a better chance of knocking BHO off his self made thrown. By the by, I call him BHO because I don't want people to forget that his middle name is Hussein, and that name should be a reminder that he IS the enemy.

I have taken such an interest in politics over the past couple of years because of the socialist movement I see happening in this country and the fact that our current president is the leader of it.

Back to the race, cause there is plenty of time for BHO bashing in the near future. The only reasonable outside chance I see Romney being defeated is that Santorum does so poorly in New Hampshire and South Carolina that he drops out before Florida and his votes go to Newt which would put him in a dead heat with Governor Goodhair. As much as I like Newt, he is his own worst enemy. When he strictly sticks to the topics and focuses himself, he is amazing, but he gets to wrapped up in trying to get everyone to see the media bias that exists in this country. There is a huge media bias, but the only people that will ever see it, and admit it, already do. The liberal idiots in this country will never see it, no matter how many times you show it to them or how many facts you use. There is a simple reason for this, and it's also my favorite bumper sticker, "Annoy a liberal, use facts and reason." They are so blind that they refuse to see any other point of view than their own.

One main difference I have noticed between liberal and conservative is noted in the following example. My bosses boss is a staunch liberal. Obviously I disagree with him on almost every topic we talk about. The difference is when I walk away I can say "Well, we may not agree but he is allowed to have is opinion and that's okay." Whereas he walks away and say "Man that guy is an idiot" and he can never let it go that I refuse to agree with him. Most of our differences our morally based and he can't just grasp that we have different morals. I personally think his morals are wrong, but I also believe that he is allowed to think and believe whatever he wants.

One last not about the election. Although there is a chance we may lose the general election and have 4 more years of BHO, the most important thing is that we maintain the House and take over the majority in the Senate, which we only need 4 seats to take. So, get out there and spread the word about you local candidate and try to get them some heat.

Enough rambling for today. I will try to get on and post the rest of the week. Everyone have a great Tuesday.

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