Monday, May 14, 2012

It's Been too Long

Okay peep, it's been a while since I last wrote.  I have had a lot going on in my life.  Most importantly, on the 20th of February, my gorgeous wife and I welcomed our beautiful twin boys!!!

These are our boys, at 11 weeks old.

Needless to say, they have been keeping us, mainly my wife, real busy.  Also, you can thank the Texas Rangers and their hot start for the delay.  We are HUGE Rangers fans, and most of my blogging time has been taken up by the boys and baseball. 

On to bigger and better things though.  So Mitt Romney has wrapped up the Republican nomination.  What do yall think about that?  I'm not overly excited, but not discouraged either.  I think Romney can beat BHO, but it will have to be a nasty campaign.  The only chance BHO has to win is a dirty campaign full of personal attacks.  Although this COULD win him the vote, it will, FOR SURE, do nothing but drive the wedge between the Right and left even further, and further polarize this country.

I plan on starting a series of blogs pointing out things that I think the "media" fails to point out about this race and the things going on around it.  The first thing, just because it's a current topic, is Gay Marriage.  So... our great VP, Biden, opens his mouth and puts this topic front and center, causing BHO to have to make a statement.  His statement is that he accepts Gay Marriage and, paraphrasing, that we as a country need to move forward and accept this as a part of society.  It amazes me that this socialist feels the need to tell us, AGAIN, how we should think.  To him, it's as if the people who created this country had no idea what they were doing and were idiots.

The funny thing that people are hearing is the comparison of Romney's response and what BHO said to begin the whole thing.  Romney said that he supports a Constitutional Ammendment to clearify that Marriage is an institution between one man and one woman.  BHO is such a wuss that he has yet to say that he supports an Ammendment for his point of view.  I don't know if he is afraid to push away the moderates even more.

I don't know how he can't see that this is just the topic that can push him under.  Over 70% of Americans do not condone Gay Marriage, 30 states have bans of it and only 6 six states have made it legal to issues Same Sex Marriage Licenses.  Why you would go against these numbers, in an election year, I have no idea.  I truley believe that BHO thinks he is above failures like this.  This is the same mentality that many socialist, communist leaders across the world have.

That's it for today.  This week I will point out obvious comparisons between the Communist Manifesto and BHO's campaign and mentality.  We will also talk about VP candidates for Romney and how he either put himself in a great position to win, or put himself in a greatly defensive position for this race.  

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