Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Just Like Communists

So, here we are again.  More gripes and ramblings today.

First up, I promised to compare the BHO campaign to the Communist Manifesto.  Here it is.  From the Manifesto, "Any enemy of mine is an enemy of the people."  How is this not what BHO is doing and saying?  He released the names of Romney supporters, like we are supposed to hate them.  Yes, these people are his "enemies", but that doesn't automatically mean that they are bad people or that they want to hurt Americans.

I could go on for days about the "media" and their hypocrisy.  The are constantly vetting Romney, and everyone else on the right, while the "President" and all of those on the left get a free pass.  It drives me nuts that there are people that are too dumb to even see it.  Way too many people just take what they say and believe it and do no research on their own.  It is my belief, that every single American needs to be doing their own research and vetting.  Yes, use the news to get you started, but it is our responsibility to find the facts out for ourselves.

Now on to a touchy subject for the left, BHO's past.  So we are told now that he was born in Hawaii.  I'm not going to get into the "birther" debate.  I will just state that his is own self-stated bio until 2007 said that he was born in Kenya.  Was he lying now, or then?  Was he using this to sell books or is it the truth?  I personally think that we will never know where he was born.  NEVER.  The far left will never let the truth come out.  In his own book "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance" he talks about how he was into drugs at the end of his high school career.  Maybe he will come out say that this is really a fictional work and just a story.  Who knows.  The he went to college at Occidental College in Los Angeles.  After 2 years there, he transferred to Columbia.  4% of transfers are accepted on a yearly basis at Columbia.  4%!!!  So should we find it ironic that not only was his transfer accepted, but so was his roommate's at Occidental?  I'm just stating facts, you can make your own inferences from them.  Then he graduated from Columbia without Honors.  His graduating class had over 40% graduate with Honors.  So being in the 60%, at best, of his class, how was he accepted to Harvard Law School?  I could go on for days trying to prove my point that there is something fishy in his past, but everyone on the left would continue to make excuses for the oddities in his past.  It would be nice if he would just talk about it and that would clear it up, but obviously he is trying to hide his past, so that tells me there is something wrong with it.

I should stop pointing out these things cause, who knows, I could have a drone fly over my house and kill me.  And I'm sure, just like Anwar Al-Awlaki, they write my death off to the fact that I was an enemy of the state.  The precedent has already been set by BHO that he has NO problem assassinating an American Citizen and absolutely no one in the "media" will question the constitutionality of it at all.

Lastly gripe for the day.  Did anyone see Chris Hayes' comment on PMSNBC about how he doesn't feel comfortable calling all of the soldiers that have died in combat heroes?  In case you haven't here is the link to a video with part of his commentary and a small clip of George H.W. Bush.  Chris Hayes is an IDIOT.  I would like to think that I don't even need to comment on this clip so just watch it and make sure there is nothing breakable around you.

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